Linked Organisations
American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) is a not for profit organisation responsible for establishing and promoting wood preservation standards in the USA. AWPA's Standards are recognized throughout the USA and internationally.
Building Research Establishment Ltd (BRE) is an independent and impartial, research-based consultancy, testing and training organisation, offering expertise in every aspect of the built environment. BRE has one of the most comprehensive capabilities for timber related research, consultancy and testing of wood based products anywhere in the world.
British Woodworking Federation (BWF)
BWF is a business support organisation for the UK woodworking and joinery industry
Wood Preservation Canada Operating under a Federal Charter, WPC is a support organization and forum for those involved in industrial wood preservation in Canada, from research to production, marketing and protection of the environment.
Central Point of Expertise on Timber (CPET)
CPET offers support to public sector bodies and their suppliers who need to comply with government rules on the sustainable sourcing of timber.
Centre Technique du Bois et de l'Ameublement (CTBA) The Wood and Furniture Technical Centre (Centre Technique du Bois et de l'Ameublement ) supports the wood and furniture industries in France working in the field of Research and Development, standards and quality certification.
Confor (Confederation of Forest Industries)
Confor is a business support organisation for the forestry, sawmilling and associated products and services sector with a strategy focused on promoting wood as a sustainable low environmental impact material.
European Institute for Wood Preservation (WEI)
WEI is a trade association representing the pressure treated wood industry at a European/European Union level.
Forest Products Society (USA) The Forest Products Society is an international not-for-profit technical association founded in 1947 to provide an information network for professionals operating in all segments of the forest products industry principally in north America.
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
All products used for the preservation of wood, protection of plants in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, industrial or amenity situations, and home gardens must be authorised by the Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD), of the Health and Safety Executive, before they can be sold, distributed, stored or used in the UK. This includes imported products.
International Research Group on Wood Protection
IRG provide a forum for communication of the science and technology associated with wood protection and stages an annual international conference in May at which developments in wood protection are presented.
International Thermowood Association The International Thermowood Association was founded in 2000 and exists to promote the technique of thermally modification to provide highly stable and durable timber products.
Nordic Wood Preservation Council (NTR)
NTR sets standards for wood preservation in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland).
South African Wood Preservers Association (SAWPA)
SAWPA is the industry trade body that promotes the use of wood preservation and treated wood products to facilitate effective use of commercially grown indigenous species which without treatment are non-durable and perishable.
Southern Pine Council (SPC)
SPC is a joint promotional body coordinated and supported by manufacturers of Southern Pine lumber. These manufacturers are members of the Southern Forest Products Association (SFPA) and Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association (SLMA)
Timber Decking & Cladding Association (TDCA)
TDCA is an independent technical and advisory body promoting the materials and the design and installation practices essential to create high quality timber clad buildings and timber decks, boardwalks and landscape structures. TDCA operates the Deckmark and Cladmark quality assurance schemes.
Timber Trade Federation (TTF)
TTF is a business support organization for the UK timber supply chain from sawmill to distributors of finished wood products. to represents timber importers, agents, distributors and other suppliers and users of wood and wood products. TTF is a focal point for activity to ensure the long-term sustainability and viability of the timber industry in the UK.
(Timber Packaging and Pallet Confederation) is the UK National Trade Association representing the interests of the timber packaging industry – principally manufacturers of timber pallets, packing cases/crates and export packers.
Structural Timber Association (STA)
STA (formerly the UK Timber Frame Association) is the business support organisation for the timber frame and associated engineered wood products sector.
UK Forest Products Association (UKFPA)
UKFPA is a business support organisation for the forestry and sawmilling sector.
Western Wood Preservers Institute.
A business support organization for the wood treating industry in western Canada and USA.
Wood Campus
Wood Campus is a source of free information and learning tools for those involved in the use of wood.
Wood for Good
Wood for good is the UK's wood promotion campaign. It works on behalf of the whole timber industry to promote the suitability and sustainability of wood as a building material.
Wood Technology Society (UK)
A division of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), which took over the activities of the Institute of Wood Science in the summer of 2009. Its purpose is to advance and encourage the scientific, technical, practical and general knowledge of timber and wood based materials
Wood Panel Industries Federation (WPIF)
WPIF is a business support organisation for UK and Irish manufacturers of Wood Chipboard, Oriented Strand Board (OSB) and Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF).
Wood Recyclers Association
The business support organization for the wood recycling sector.